Historically we have meetings the month before a Concert at 7:30 on the 10 or 15th of the month via Zoom or in person if stated. To set up a fundraiser and discuss upcoming needs.
2022-23 Jan 15th - via zoom Mar 15th - in person 880 Jeanne Drive, Hinckley April 13th (due to Spring Break) via zoom CONTACT INFO - text 216.288.8196 or email [email protected] - with your name plus your child's name and grade, for link to meeting. Our Board
Jenny Senyitko
Formed in 2018This organization was formed the school year of 2018-19, to support our wonderful Orchestra Program.
This project was started by students, as part of a Girl Scout Troop 91129 service project (Class of 2020). Three girls spearheaded the project Megan Austin, Katie Gibson and Alyssa Haun. With the hope this organization will be a legacy for current and future students to be proud of and will help support their musical ambitions. Our Goal
To support the great teachers and students who make up the Highland Orchestra Music Program, through fundraising and volunteering.
Our goal is to enrich the program though funding for special guest speakers, performers and composition of specialty pieces, purchase of awards for students. Possible field trips/ family trips or group trips to see the Cleveland Orchestra or other music related trips. |